Personal information you can request online includes customer account information, call, SMS and data usage information, and your Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) record.
Much of the personal information we hold about you can be found in My Telstra, and on your bills or invoices. It’s faster and easier to search for information there.
Because your personal information only relates to your use of Telstra services, information about who called you or sent you an SMS is not available. If you request incoming call and SMS information, we won’t be able to provide it.
What is said in a voice call (audio) or what is entered in an SMS or email (text/media) is also not available.
Only the Account Owner (the legal lessee), or an individual authorised on behalf of the Account Owner (such as a Third Party Authority contact), can make a request to access personal information related to all services on an account.
Full Authority contacts and Limited Authority contacts may only request access to basic customer account information, contract information, and billing and payment information. If other information is required, the request will need to be made by the Account Owner. Find out more about giving another person access to your account.
We’ll acknowledge your request within five business days and may take further steps to verify your identity and validate the request. We’ll aim to provide you with the requested information within 30 days. If you request access to records that aren’t yours, or you are no longer an active Account Owner or Authority on an account, we’ll contact you for further information.
If we aren’t able to provide access to personal information, we’ll contact you in writing to explain why.
There are three types of access available.
You can request access to your call and data usage up to the last 12 months in My Telstra, or request access to the following customer account information online:
You may also request correction or deletion of your personal information. Service fault information, or customer interaction and account notes can’t be requested by Full Authority contacts or Limited Authority contacts.
Account Owners and Third Party Authority contacts can request access to the following information:
Outgoing call and SMS details within the last 12 months can be accessed in My Telstra. Please note that Telstra cannot provide any incoming call or SMS information.
The Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) is a centralised database that contains the record of each telephone number issued by Carriage Service Providers (CSPs) to their customers in Australia. Learn more about the IPND.
The information Telstra sends to the IPND on your behalf is used by critical users such as the Triple Zero Emergency Call Service and Emergency Alert and law enforcement and national security agencies. More information about the IPND can be found on the ACMA website.
Account Owners and Third Party Authority contacts can request an IPND Record.
If you have a question regarding this process or how we handle your personal information, you can contact us by:
If you make a complaint, we will acknowledge receipt and aim to investigate and respond to you within 30 days or earlier, in accordance with our Complaints Handling policy. If we cannot resolve your complaint, you may contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.