Free calls to crisis lines

Access essential support in Australia from your mobile and all Telstra payphones.
Some charges may apply for calls from your home phone, check the Critical information Summary for your plan inclusions.


It’s free to call select crisis lines from Pre-Paid mobiles even without an active recharge. All you need is an active SIM. For all other mobiles, these calls are included in your plan at no extra charge.

Crisis lines and support services

Explore essential support available by category.

000 is the 24/7 call service Australians use when they need the help of an Emergency Service Organisation – Police, Fire or Ambulance. If you or someone close to you is in immediate danger, please call 000.

Police Assistance line

For non-emergency situations. You can report non-urgent crimes and events 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call: 13 14 44

State emergency service (SES)

For flood, storm, tsunami and earthquake emergencies anywhere in Australia.

Call: 13 25 00


Counselling services for survivors, or Australians at risk, of family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

Call: 1800 737 732

Relationships Australia

Help and assistance for those experiencing violence or abuse in their relationships.

Call: 1300 364 277


Support services, programs and responses to family violence in migrant and refugee communities.

Call: 1800 755 988

Survivors & Mates Support Network (SAMSN)

Support for male survivors of child sexual abuse.

Call: 1800 472 676

Ccareline (Catholic Care)

Specialist services for domestic and family violence.

Call: 13 18 19

Australian Childhood Foundation

Counselling for children and young people affected by abuse.

Call: 1800 176 453

National Debt Helpline

Free advice on how to manage your debts.

Call: 1800 007 007

Beyond Blue

Information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.

Call: 1300 224 636


Access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services for all Australians experiencing emotional distress.

Call: 13 11 14

Suicide Call Back Service

Professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling for people who are affected by suicide.

Call: 1300 659 467

PANDA Counselling Line

Support for the mental health of parents and families during pregnancy and in their first year of parenthood.

Call: 1300 726 306

Men's Referral Service

Telephone counselling, information and referral service for women and men seeking information on behalf of their male partners, friends or family members who experience men’s family violence.

Call: 1300 766 491

MensLine Australia

Counselling service for men with emotional health and relationship concerns.

Call: 1300 789 978

Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling

Mental health and wellbeing support for current and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel and their families.

Call: 1800 011 046


Peer based support online or by phone for LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex) people and their friends, families and allies.

Call: 1800 184 527

Butterfly Foundation

Support for eating disorders and body image issues.

Call: 1800 334 673

Kids Helpline

Counselling for children and young people over the phone, via email and online.

Call: 1800 551 800

SupportACT Wellbeing Helpline

Free, confidential 24/7 counselling service that is available to anyone working in Australian music who needs to talk about any aspect of their mental health.

Call: 1800 959 500

Family Drug Support

Support for families affected by alcohol and other drugs.

Call: 1300 368 186

Free and confidential legal information in each state.

National Disability Abuse & Neglect Hotline

Free, independent and confidential service for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability.

Call: 1800 880 052

National Relay Service for TTY

Speak and Read - using a teletypewriter (TTY), you can speak on your side of the conversation and read the responses from the other person that have been typed by the Relay Officer.

Call: 13 36 77

National Relay Service for Voice Relay

This is a text-based relay call, for people who find it difficult to use the phone because of a speech communication difficulty or because of a voice output device. Type and Read - Voice Relay calls - let you type your messages and read the responses.

Call: 1300 555 727

Telstra SAFE Team

The Telstra SAFE team is specially trained to help you stay safely connected to your Telstra internet and phone services if you’re a survivor, or at risk, of domestic and family violence.

Call: 1800 452 566

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO)

Free, fair and independent help for phone and internet complaints.

Call: 1800 062 058

Telstra First Nations Hotline

Access to approximately 50 different First Nations languages and dialects through our First Nations Connect team.

Call: 1800 444 403

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